Amending soil in the fall offers several advantages!

Amending soil in the fall offers several advantages, preparing your soil for a thriving garden next year.

Here are 3 key benefits:

Enhances Soil Microbial Life: Compost and other organic amendments introduce beneficial microorganisms to the soil, which helps to establish a healthy soil food web, supporting plant growth and disease resistance.

Gradually Feeds the Soil: Adding organic matter in the fall allows it to break down over winter, gradually releasing nutrients and improving soil structure, making it more receptive to plant growth in the spring.

Prevents Soil Erosion: Organic matter helps hold the soil in place, reducing erosion and soil compaction, which can damage soil structure and hinder root growth.

By amending your soil in the fall, you’re investing in a healthier, more resilient soil ecosystem that will benefit your garden for years to come!

Come check out our selection of compost/manures/castings, organic amendments and so much more!

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